Nashville's Civil Service Commission made us proud last week voting unanimously to approve a paid family leave plan for Metro Nashville employees granting 6 weeks of paid time off upon the birth or adoption of a child. Here at Third Man, we applaud Mayor Barry's leadership on seeing this legislation through. Since 2015 Third Man has employed 6 month paid maternity/3 month paid paternity leaves, as well as a $15 minimum wage and health insurance for all full time employees. We are heartened to see our local government affording more fair and humane policies for its workers. Our founder Jack White, who works as an advisor with Mayor Barry on the 45-member Council on Gender Equality, was heartened at the news that the city was following Third Man's lead.

"This new benefit makes business sense for the city. Paid family leave promotes strong families. Strong families make stronger organizations and stronger communities."

Hear, hear, Jack. Congratulations to all Metro employees and to the city of Nashville at large for joining us in strengthening our fine hometown one new life at a time!