Originally released in 1953, "Bear Cat" by Rufus Thomas is as certifiable a primitive R'n'B smoker that's ever existed. Complete with the inimitable Joe Hill Louis on guitar, the future "Funky Chicken" Thomas gives his male-perspective answer record to Big Mama Thornton's "Hound Dog." In the process, the legal powers behind "Hound Dog" writers Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller won a lawsuit claiming "Bear Cat" infringed on the duo's copyright. Ever since the writing credits have been Leiber/Stoller, but what has not changed is the unbeatable groove that moves the song.


Bear Cat

Standard Black Vinyl

Regular price $8.00
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Originally released in 1953, "Bear Cat" by Rufus Thomas is as certifiable a primitive R'n'B smoker that's ever existed. Complete with the inimitable Joe Hill Louis on guitar, the future "Funky Chicken" Thomas gives his male-perspective answer record to Big Mama Thornton's "Hound Dog." In the process, the legal powers behind "Hound Dog" writers Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller won a lawsuit claiming "Bear Cat" infringed on the duo's copyright. Ever since the writing credits have been Leiber/Stoller, but what has not changed is the unbeatable groove that moves the song.


  1. 1. Bear Cat
  2. 2. Walking In The Rain