Ian F. Svenonius and the philosopher of fuzz, black-jacket beat-bopper, bandstand bolshevik, single note savant, tear-stained tape deck, last refuge of ineptitude, sin is in group, ESCAPE-ISM stopped by our Detroit location one spring afternoon and recorded this pan-sonic polymorphously perverse plastic platter live on the Blue Stage. TOP SECRET. DO NOT BUY.


Crime Wave Rock

Standard Black Vinyl

Regular price $8.00
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Ian F. Svenonius and the philosopher of fuzz, black-jacket beat-bopper, bandstand bolshevik, single note savant, tear-stained tape deck, last refuge of ineptitude, sin is in group, ESCAPE-ISM stopped by our Detroit location one spring afternoon and recorded this pan-sonic polymorphously perverse plastic platter live on the Blue Stage. TOP SECRET. DO NOT BUY.